
Graco Fertilizer Company is proud to stock a variety of both pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides. We will also special order herbicides at our customer’s request with a one (1) case minimum order. 

The following list of herbicides constitutes a sampling of the variety of products that are stocked, or are available for special order, by Graco Fertilizer Company. Please call us at (800) 343-5620 for current availability and pricing of all herbicides.

Need additional label or SDS information? Please visit the CDMS Agro-Chemical database, here.


Pre-Emergent Herbicides

Barricade 0.48% Granular (50 LB)

Barricade® 4FL (1 GL)

Broadstar™ (50 LB)

Casoron® 4G (50 LB)

Corral® 2.68 G (50 LB)

Dimension® 2EW (0.5 GL/2.5 GL)

FreeHand® 1.75 G (50 LB)

Gallery® 75 DF ( 1 LB)

Jewel® (50 LB)

Marengo™ (0.5 GL)

OH2® (50 LB)

Oxadiazon 2 G (50 LB)

Oxadiazon 50 WSB (2 LB)

Pendulum® 3.3 EC (2.5 GL)

Pendulum® 3.8 Aquacap™ (2.5 GL)

Prodiamine 65 WDG (5 LB)

Prowl® H2O (2.5 GL)

Ronstar® 2 G (50 LB)

Rout® (50 LB)

Snapshot® 2.5 TG/T/I 2.5G (50 LB)

Surflan® AS T&O (2.5 GL)

Treflan/Easy Weeder GR (6 LB)

Treflan 5G Ornamental (40 LB)

Post-Emergent Herbicides

Pre- and Post-Emergent Herbicides